The Tokai Guitar Information Source


Information on Specific Tokai Models

Tokai Sound Stream Guitars

New from Tokai.
Tokai has introduced new guitars which contain a new patent applied for body design at Summer NAMM in Nashville 2004. These are the new Sound Stream models featured in guitar and bass configurations.

Here are some details on the new body design. A string vibration transmits parallel to wood fibers/ grains four times faster than it does perpendicularly. By creating a sandwhich design by glueing a seperate piece between the top and back a high speed sound reflection is produced. This new structure of the body does not only create the high speed sound reflection, but also a longer sustain and a clear sound.

Also the sound flows through a player's body while as one plays the guitar. The wood fiber/grain derection of the middle wood is perpendicular to the top wood nad the back wood. So the middle wood transmits a string vibration very fast to the whole body. Tokai reports that the sound is very close to the old vintage sound.

Sound Stream Ad

Wilkinson Designed Tokai's

Click here for information on Wilkinson designed Tokai Soundstream models.

Tokai DLX-2004

This is a new model from Tokai with the following features:
  • Mahogany/Alder body with set in Mahogany neck
  • Flamed Maple Top with Matching Headstock
  • Abalone Inlays and binding
  • Abalone Inlay around body neck and headstock
  • Indian Rosewood Fingerboard
  • Tokai Special design Zebra Pickups and improved electronics
  • Also available in black with covered pickups and gold hardware
List Price: $1199 Street Price: $699 (available at Mike's Music)

Here are the pictures:
Head Stock

Love Rocks Relic Model

These guitars have been built specifically for the UK market with a total of 12 being built in 2002 and most likely the same number being made in 2003. Here is what we know about them:
  • They are all LS75F models
  • Solid maple top and nitro lacquer finish
  • Price - �1,200.00
Here are the pictures:
Full Frontal
Headstock - front
Headstock - back

Custom Shop Love Rocks

These are made in Korea and they are basically the same as the 2001 limited editions. They went back to the original Les Paul design and the 2001 Japanese Les Paul headstock with the little bump in the headstock. See below (2001 Limited Edition Love Rocks for details).

They feature Mahogany body and neck with Flamed Sycamore Top and Rosewood fingerboard. They are serial numbered and hand crafted in Korea to keep the costs down.

2001 Limited Edition Love Rocks

These guitars are designed to be a lower cost version of the Japanese guitar and are built in Korea. These Limited Editions are NOT Korean style Tokais, they are Japanese "Models". In other words they are built to Japanese specs instead of Korean specs. Instead of Alder, they are made with solid mahogany throughout and are set up and constructed like the great Tokai's of the past. Differences between the 2001's and the Original 1970's/80's Love Rocks are mainly in the bridge mount in that the posts were screwed right into the body. Also, I've been told that these guitars have a scarf jointed headstock which is different from the Japanese made Love Rocks.

These guitars are numbered by the model, no serial number. Each of the three models has corresponding numbers stamped on the back in Gold ink like the old 1958-59 Les Pauls. And yes, the Truss Rod Covers say: MM2001 Limited Edition. These are limited guitars. They will stop making these special models in December of 2001.

Here are the total specs:

  • Solid Mahogany Set Neck and Body
  • PAF Pickups (P90's in Gold Top).
  • Sycamore Flamed Tops on Models 205802 & 201959.
  • High Quality Electronics throughout.
  • Cream Pickguard
  • "Klusson" Copy Tuners
  • Each guitar comes set up with "10 Gauge" Guitar Strings

The guitar has been ID'd!!!

Here are the particulars:
  • Tokai Model SD652, circa 1986.
  • Body: alder ; Neck: maple"C" ; Fingerboard: rosewood, 22 frets
  • Tremelo: Ayers Rocker V ; 1xVol, 1xTone, P/ups: 2xLaurence White H/B
  • Tone knob has coil-tap ; Price 65,000 yen

Love Rock IIs

There are 4 Love Rock II models with difference being the tops. All models have the following:
  • Mahogany set necks with Rosewood fretboards
  • GEB201 Chrome bridges
  • Volume, Tone, Pickup Toggle and 2 mini switches for coil taps
  • Pickups 2 H-3 Humbuckers
LR603 piece top, mahogany backVF, CS, CT, BB
LR652 piece top, mahogany backVF, CS
LR70Flames sycamore laminated top, hard maple middle, mahogany backVF, CS, TB, SDR, HS, WR
LR75Quilted maple laminated top, hard maple middle, mahogany backVF, CS, OAK, HDC

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