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Tokai Registry NAMM 2003 Report

Welcome to page 2 of the 2003 NAMM report. Here we will focus on other manufacturers.
This has got to be one of the coolest pieces of gear I've seen. How about half a watt of pure class A tube power that fits in the palm of your hand. Oh yeh, it will push a 4x12 cab with ease. This unique device is the ZVex Nano Amp ($499 list) which you can check out at The folks a ZVex also had one of the coolest booth themes that I saw, usually Ernie Ball has this category nailed but this the ZVex guys and gals one hands down. Everyone was dressed in lab coats with the whole mad scientist thing happening. They also produce a full range of effects in some wildly colored boxes.
Speeking of Ernie Ball Music Man, they had the whole NFL thing happening. Complete with custom painted helmets, cheer leaders and Sterling Ball dressed a Vince Lombardie. Nothing really new guitar wise from EB/MM but since they always have the coolest booth them I had to include them. You can check out their stuff at
Another cool product is the Axe Hugger( The Axe Hugger wraps around your guitar stand for added protection. I know all my stands the rubber has cracked and is falling off, definately some great thinking on these folks part.
A quick detour to the land of recording where everything has gone digital. A new product, a new spin on an old product and new software from Cakewalk. Let's start with Cakewalk ( which announced Project 5. Project 5 is a softsynth program that allows for the creation of numerous "soft" synths giving you unlimited synths for any recording project.

How about a new PC to record with, the folks at MusicXPC ( have developed a small form factor, smaller than a bread box, that has been optimized for hard disk recording and is virtually silent.

Need a way to capture those ideas and you left your studio engineer at home. Then the Digitech RPx400 or GNX3 are just what you need. These new guitar processors are designed for recording and combined with Digitech's version of Sonar can select, arm and start recording a track with a foot switch.

Also, Creative Labs who are better known for their Soundblaster line of products have released a PC keyboard with 49 piano keys built in so you can lay down some quick piano lines.

How about some Fender action. Fender has re-released the '64 VibroVerb with a few small changes compared to the reissue from around 1992. This reissue comes with 1x15" speaker while the earlier model had a 2x10 configuration.

While were in Fender-land, how about a paisley tele. Where have I seen this paint before? This tele is a custom shop only paint scheme, wonder where the better deal is?

Since where talking about the big boys how about some Gibby action. The first is new prototype SG unfortunately you will need the matching Viper to afford this guitar. Those of you who visit often know about my pention for gold tops so I couldn't pass up this Les Paul double cutaway.
Having lived in Mississippi for a number of years and marrying a southern bell from the same state I gotta check out what Peavey is showing off and besides they hand out shot glasses every year. This year it was all about Jaeger Miester with a XXX stack decked out in the Jaeger scheme. As always there were plenty of custom EVH's decorating the walls including one covered in cut up credit cards. Eddie dropped by the booth on Saturday but the crowd kept some of us away.

Page 3 of NAMM report

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